Summary report according to the results of the conducted research

Research on the needs for mental health and psychosocial support services and mapping of such services in each non-occupied/de-occupied community in Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions: summary report

Open Access:
final report is publicly available

Укладачі: Vasyl Poluiko >>>
Maria Ruda >>>

Мова ............................ англійська | українська >>>
Рік видання ................. 2024
Кількість сторінок ........ 112
Таблиці ......................... кольорові
Формат ......................... Adobe PDF
УДК ............................... 364.62(477.72-073+477.64-073)(047.53)=161.2=111
ISBN ............................. 978-617-95240-1-1 (print)
DOI ............................... 10.56287/95240-1-1 (print)
ISBN ............................. 978-617-95240-9-7 (оn-line)
DOI ............................... 10.56287/95240-9-7 (оn-line)
Видавець ..................... NGO “ISG”
Видання ....................... Scientific and popular edition
Summary report according to the results of the conducted research

Research on the needs for mental health and psychosocial support services and mapping of such services in each non-occupied/de-occupied community in Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions: summary report

Open Access:
final report is publicly available

Vasyl Poluiko >>>
Maria Ruda >>>

Мова ................... англійська | українська >>>
Рік видання ........ 2024
К-сть стор. .......... 112
Таблиці ............... кольорові
Формат ............... Adobe PDF
Видавець ........... NGO “ISG”
Видання ............. Scientific and popular edition

УДК 364.62(477.72-073+477.64-073)(047.53)=161.2=111
ISBN 978-617-95240-1-1 (print)
DOI 10.56287/95240-1-1 (print)
ISBN 978-617-95240-9-7 (оn-line)
DOI 10.56287/95240-9-7 (оn-line)

Summary report

according to the results of the conducted research. Research on the needs for mental health and psychosocial support services and mapping of such services in each un-occupied / de-occupied in Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions: summary report. / Authors: Vasyl Poluiko, Maria Ruda. — Electronic data. — Kyiv : NGO “ISG”, 2024. — 112 p. : tab., charts, photos — оn-line. (Electronic edition)
The team of the research project “Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services Needs Assessment and Mapping in Each Unoccupied / De-occupied Community in Zaporizhzhia and Kherson Regions” has been modelling the needs for mental health and psychosocial support services (MHPSS) in Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions for six months with the support of the Partnership Fund for a Resilient Ukraine. A 5-day seminar was held for 50 representatives of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions among local authorities, civil society and volunteers. Mapping of the MHPSS in each unoccupied / de-occupied community in Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions was also implemented.
The data presented in the final report is recommended for analytical and research work by relevant specialists, representatives of foreign organisations, foundations, volunteer associations and a wide range of readers.

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